MIK Gives Back
The owners and staff at Maid in Katy are all about service! We love serving our clients and also like serving in the community.
We are currently helping with two charitable organizations:
How MIK Helps
Every last Monday of the month, Maid in Katy staff and owner provide dinner and serve the guests of Ballard House.
Guest of the Ballard House come from all over the world for treatment of serious illnesses. Ballard House provides a “home away from home” for those traveling to Houston for treatment.
Ballard House is always in need of canned goods, pantry items, cleaning supplies, personal toiletries and new blankets/pillows and other bedding. If you have any of these items that you would like to donate, please let us know and we will pick them up at your next cleaning and deliver them to Ballard House on the first Monday of the month.
Serving dinner at The Ballard House (2019)
The Ballard House is a hospitality facility offering free lodging to those coming to the Houston area for extended medical treatments. Local families, restaurants, and other organizations frequently prepare dinner for the house guests. The Maid In Katy team was thrilled to serve a nice dinner of rotisserie chicken, vegetables, and dessert.
How MIK Helps
Each year starting in November, Maid in Katy starts collecting NEW toys, children’s items and women’s items to be donated to the Fort Bend Women’s Shelter for their Santa Store. We also volunteer one day during the week in December to help set up the store. Women in the shelter are given the opportunity during Mid December to “shop” for their children who are living in the shelter for Christmas. All donations go to the mom’s who are struggling to provide for their children at Christmas and your donations help their families to enjoy all of the holiday festivities.
How YOU can Help
If you have items that you would like to donate to the Fort Bend Women’s Shelter Santa Store, please place items in a box near the front door at your next cleaning. Please CLEARLY MARK the box or bag MIK. Your team will pick up the items and we will organize a delivery to the Santa Store.
Fort Bend Women’s Shelter Santa Store (2018)
Our teams preparing and volunteering at the Fort Bend Women’s Shelter Santa Store.
Fort Bend Women’s Shelter Santa Store (2017)
Getting ready to take our loot to the Fort Bend Women’s Shelter Santa Store